If you play this level and like it, send $5.00 to:
Paul Davidson
Kagi Software
1442-A Walnut St. #392-MD
Berkeley, CA 97709-1405
-- we wouldn't have my little maul, er, mall without
Hellmaker. And E-mail me (HARDC0RP@AOL.COM) to tell me you did it.
Distribute "A Day at the Maul" freely, with this READ_ME file.
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
Okay -- imagine a place with hundreds of creatures who howl and scream, who have no manners or livelyhood, who are enclosed by steel and glass and are all making your day very unrestful. That's right: it's the Mall. But imaging it AFTER the Mouth of Hell opens up right next to it -- DOOM on you!
This DOOM II .WAD file was a two-week first attempt at Level building. There are no faulty textures "halls of mirrors" (more thanks to Hellmaker than my own expertise), but there are plenty of false doors, and probably not enough ammo. I had to kill the Cacodemons behind the final doors with my bare hands in my final test play. And I'm sure there are a few stray textures behind the yellow door that don't match.
I hope you enjoy pain.
P.S. -- if anybody has a good texture editor or sprite editor for DOOM II for MAC, I'll kill you for it.